Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions we get asked most. If there’s anything else on your mind, please reach out, and one of our friendly team will be in touch ASAP. We’re here to help!

Australian Businesses

Yes, your employee will be trained by an Australian college or university, and we source only the best candidates who have prior experience and/or completed student placement hours in your industry.

All prospective students complete a Cert III in Aged Care Support online while in the Philippines. This involves a 120-hour work placement where each student is evaluated by a qualified Australian assessor.

The Philippines is one of the leading destinations for hiring skilled workers across a diverse range of industries. Filipinos are well-known for being loyal, resourceful and passionate people that work hard, remain calm under pressure and are eager to learn. What a wonderful addition to your team!

The Philippines is the fourth largest English-speaking country in the world. In fact, English is one of the official languages, which makes communication extra easy.

We support you every step of the way, including establishing your needs, conducting candidate searches and interviews, managing college enrolment and even handling visas, travel and accommodation. Please refer to our full process here.

Filipino Jobseekers

We currently support three visa types:

  • Student visas (Subclass 500)
  • Sponsorship visas (Subclass 482)
  • Training visas (Subclass 407)

We can connect you with reputable Australian businesses that are eager to grow their team with skilled Filipino workers. You can read our step-by-step process here.

Australia is an incredible location for Filipinos due to its high standard of living, thriving economy, welcoming people, beautiful scenery and diverse climate. There are plenty of prestigious study opportunities, and many Australian businesses are actively searching for overseas workers due to skill shortages.

Ready to make the first move?